Beautiful pics of Geri Halliwell and Jenny Taft feet legs

Geri Haliwell (born in England) is a pop star, fashion designer, writer and actress. In the 1990s, she gained fame as Ginger Spice. She was the first Spice Girls member and the group became one of the most popular girl groups ever. She is a multifaceted person who has worked as a night club dancer a TV presenter and a glamorous model. Her early career began as an actress in the Spice Girls. Virgin Records was her first record label. They soon released the debut single, Wannabe. It featured a female empowerment. It was a huge hit, reaching the top of the charts across several nations. Spice was the first album by Spice and it became an enormous success on a global scale. More than 23 million copies have been sold worldwide which makes it among the most successful albums in time. Halliwell quit the group in order to start her own career as a solo artist. It was released with "Look at Me". The track received a positive review from critics. The debut album Schizophonic was also a moderate popularity. Halliwell's work is not limited to just music. In 1999, she was the Goodwill ambassador for the United Nations Population Fund.

Jenny Taft has been a television host for Fox Sports 1 since 2002. She moderates "Skip Shannon Undisputed", an interview show on sports. Tafts initial passion for sports was a result of her upbringing that was populated by athletes. Though she participated on a number of levels throughout her schooling and college years however it wasn't until later when Taft took the choice to concentrate on broadcasting. When she graduated with a master's degree in broadcast journalism from Boston University Taft embarked her career with Fox Sports North as a local affiliate and sideline reporter. In addition to covering sports, she also worked as a social media contributor and was hosts for a variety of games. In no time, Fox Sports 1 hired Taft as a reporter in its News and Highlights department. Taft was employed by FS1 and covered many important titles. The reporter reported on these occasions on the ground. While working as a reporter on the sidelines of college football, she was subsequently promoted to be the primary college football reporter along with Gus Johnson. At the time she was invited in the year 2018 to be the host and moderator of the show Skip and Shannon Undisputed she rose to prominence. She also hosts her own show CFB: Inside Slant, and was the pit reporter on the Discovery series Battlebots.

pics Geri Halliwell Feet and Legs pics Geri Halliwell Feet and Legs pics Geri Halliwell Feet and Legs pics Geri Halliwell Feet and Legs pics Geri Halliwell Feet and Legs pics Jenny Taft Feet and Legs pics Jenny Taft Feet and Legs pics Jenny Taft Feet and Legs pics Jenny Taft Feet and Legs pics Jenny Taft Feet and Legs


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